Fairfield HS Marching Band's 12th Annual BANDcake Breakfast!

- What
- Fairfield HS Marching Band's 12th Annual BANDcake Breakfast!
- When
- 10/22/2022, 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM
- Where
- Fairfield High School Cafeteria 8800 Holden Blvd. Fairfield, 45014
Craving pancakes? Join the Fairfield Marching Band for the 12th annual BANDcake Breakfast! Pancakes will be flipped and served on Saturday, October 22 from 8 a.m. until noon in the Fairfield High School cafeteria. Tickets are $6 presale (purchase from your favorite band member or scan the QR code on the flyer) or $7 at the door (cash and credit card accepted at the door). The morning includes raffle baskets and split-the-pot. Proceeds benefit the FHS Marching Band.