Fairfield Schools Partners with Non-Profit neighborhood bridges to Provide Needs for FCSD Families


Dear Fairfield Community:


We are grateful and excited that neighborhood bridges Fairfield is part of our community! As a 501(c)(3) charity, neighborhood bridges’ mission is "To bridge communities with schools in providing basic needs, removing barriers, and seeking equity for students so they can engage and succeed in school and life."


Neighborhood bridges Fairfield works by inviting our teachers, counselors, social workers, and school administrators to become advocates. They receive access to the neighborhood bridges’ platform to post needs on behalf of students and families (who remain anonymous). Needs encompass a wide range of essentials, including school supplies, coats and clothing, help with school or athletic fees, household needs such as beds or groceries, and much more.


Once an advocate posts a need, it is circulated among subscribers (or donors) in the community via daily email and social media posts. A subscriber wishing to fill a need simply clicks “I can help.” They are then provided with drop-off instructions for the advocate to pick up the donation and deliver it to the recipient.


Here’s how you can participate:


1). Subscribe to neighborhood bridges Fairfield (it costs nothing to do so) by visiting:



2). Follow neighborhood bridges Fairfield on social media:

  • Instagram: @nbFairfield

3). Respond to needs you’d like to fill by clicking “I can help.” You will receive an automated response with instructions to take your item(s) to a designated drop-off location.


4). We welcome one-time and monthly monetary donations. 100% of your gift will be used to help students and families in need within Fairfield. Donate at



Neighborhood bridges Fairfield is here to bridge kindness in the community. If your student/family is in need of essentials and assistance from neighborhood bridges Fairfield, please contact your school counselor or social worker to get started.


Should you have questions, or want more information on the organization, email neighborhood bridges at [email protected].

The launch of neighborhood bridges Fairfield gives our team an invaluable resource to help meet students’ basic needs and support local families. We encourage you to subscribe to neighborhood bridges Fairfield and to reach out if this organization may be of service.





Your Volunteer Area Directors, neighborhood bridges Fairfield -

Matthew Crapo, Director of Student Services, Fairfield City Schools

Jessica Woody, Butler County Success School-Community Liaison, Fairfield City Schools

Morgan Luckhaupt, Butler County Success School-Community Liaison, Fairfield City Schools


 Sign up, follow, and support by viewing the flyer below. A copy for download is at the bottom of this story.

neighborhood bridges Fairfield subscriber form. 
