West Elementary » Back to School Information 2024-2025

Back to School Information 2024-2025

Daily Drop Off 1st through 5th graders

  • Pull into the parking lot off of River Rd. using the right hand lane only, follow (to the right) around the perimeter of the staff parking lot.
  • Please do not block the driveway so that our buses are able to enter the bus lot.
  • Students should be dropped off in the front entry drive (one way), no earlier than 9:15 am
  • Pull forward to the beginning of the side walk or the farthest point possible. This prevents cars from lining up on River Road and also blocking our bus entry.
  • For their safety, students must exit the car on the right hand passenger side.
  • Adults dropping off students are asked to remain in their cars when dropping off. Please make sure your child is ready to exit the car when you arrive at drop off point.
  • Students will be directed to enter in through the front gym doors until 9:25 am then through the front doors.
  • Students will be expected to sit or stand in the gym while they are waiting to be released to their classroom.
  • Staff in the gym will assist students to their homerooms
  • Parents are not allowed to park in the front entry drive and are not permitted to enter the gym with their child/ren.


NEW Preschool and Kindergarten ONLY drop off and pick up procedures. We will be conducting drop off and pick up for your convenience on the asphalt lot near the classroom doors. The gate to access the lot will be open for AM Preschool and Kindergarten ONLY from 9:15-9:30 a.m. and 11:55-12:10 p.m. The gate for PM Pre-School and Kindergarten will be open 1:10-1:20 and 3:50 to 4:00 p.m.. Cars can only enter from Vinnedge Avenue, LEFT TURN ONLY into the lot. You may need to circle the block to access the turn due to NO RIGHT turn into the lot. Once you enter the lot, you will be directed into a line and to pull ALL the way forward to accommodate as many cars as possible. Cars must be placed in park and when signaled by a West staff member, adults must escort/pick up their child to their assigned classroom door. Return to your car immediately and a staff member will release the car line to exit the lot. In order to ensure the safety and well-being of students and staff, CARS ARE NOT permitted to change or exit their lane to go around other cars. If there is an issue, a staff member may direct you to proceed around a car, if needed. Please be cognizant of other families and staff by being attentive and quickly unload and load your student so that we may release the cars and let the next group in to unload/load their children. For safety reasons, if you choose to park on a side street and walk your child, please use the sidewalk and designated area next to the Preschool playground to bring your child to the classroom door. We will continue to use pick up tags given to you so that we can identify permission to release the student to you. If you arrive after the gate is closed, you will be required to park and walk your child to the classroom door.  


As always, the safety of our students is of utmost concern to us. We appreciate your compliance with the above policies/procedures.

2024-2025 Daily Transportation Policies and Procedures

1-5 Daily Pick Up Car Rider (Kindergarten and Preschool procedures below): 
If you are picking your student up daily from school at dismissal, your child will be assigned a number that will be on a red pick up tag attached to their backpack. You will be given a number placard to place in your car (hang from your rearview mirror) that matches their tag number. The number must be visibly displayed in order for the student to be released from the gym. If no tags are visible you will be asked to pull ahead and wait until pick up permission can be verified.
In order for the student to receive a pick up tag you must fill out the Transportation Information form in Final Forms at https://fairfield-oh.finalforms.com/ to receive your assigned student pick up number.   After this form is filled out, you will be given a number tag placard to display in your car (rearview mirror) and your student will receive a red tag with the same number for their backpack. If you need an additional parent placard please contact the office. • By completing this form and placing the designated red tag on your student's backpack, you are giving permission for your student to be picked up by the placard-holder.
If your child rides a daycare bus/van, please designate DAYCARE TRANSPORT in Final Forms.  Those students will receive a separate tag.
It is your responsibility to ensure the number placard is displayed hanging from your rearview mirror. If someone else is picking up your child routinely, request an additional number placard or give them your placard to display in their car. If someone else is picking up your child due to a change in schedule, and they DON'T have your number placard, please notify BOTH the teacher (via REMIND) and the office by 3:30 pm. The person picking up will be required to show identification in the pick up lane. For safety reasons, it is very important that you and your child keep your tags attached and properly displayed.

Pick Up Procedure for Car Riders:
We will have two lanes during afternoon (4:00 pm) pick up for grades 1-5. We will load one lane at a time. After the first lane is loaded we will release them to leave. Then we will fill the second lane of cars. We will go back and forth until all students have been picked up. Pick up begins at 4:00 and is usually done no later than 4:10, this will continue to be our goal!  PLEASE pay attention to the staff directing you where to go and when to pull forward, this will make the process much smoother.  In order to ensure student safety, the following safety precautions must be followed:
• When arriving to line up for pick up, all cars must enter the lot in the right hand laneDo not cross over the exit lane on the left side. Once you have entered the lot in the right hand lane, circle the staff parking lot to get in line.  
• All students must load their car on the passenger side for safety reasons and so the staff can see all
students. Parents, please remain in your car to keep the line running smoothly.
• All students will be using the sidewalk and not crossing the grass to access the loading zone.
• All cars must be in park when loading students
• Cars must stay in their lane until signaled by the staff member releasing the car line. Do not attempt to go
around cars. Remain in your lane!
• All cars must turn right only out of the pick up lanes. NO LEFT TURNS!
Thank you for your continued patience and working with us to make this a safe and speedy process!
Daily Walkers:
Daily walkers are students who walk home on their own or the person picking them up parks off school grounds and walks over to meet them when they are dismissed. Daily walker pick ups should not be in the car rider pick up lanes. 
• Students will be dismissed at 4:00 PM each afternoon from the gym.
• Students will be dismissed to leave the grounds on their own. They will not be dismissed to the pick up lines out front, the pick up lanes require a different tag.
• Students will receive a walker tag that MUST be affixed to their backpack.
• Students MUST show their walker tag to the adult at the dismissal door. Students without a walker tag will
not be permitted to leave the building.
• By filling out the Transportation Information form in Final Forms at https://fairfield-oh.finalforms.com/ and placing the designated tag on your student's backpack, you are giving permission for your student to walk out of the building and walk home on their own without adult supervision.
As always, the safety of our students is of utmost concern to us. We appreciate your compliance with the above policies/procedures. 

NEW Preschool and Kindergarten ONLY drop off and pick up procedures. We will be conducting drop off and pick up for your convenience on the asphalt lot near the classroom doors. The gate to access the lot will be open for AM Preschool and Kindergarten ONLY from 9:15-9:30 a.m. and 11:55-12:10 p.m. The gate for PM Pre-School and Kindergarten will be open 1:10-1:20 and 3:50 to 4:00 p.m.. Cars can only enter from Vinnedge Avenue, LEFT TURN ONLY into the lot. You may need to circle the block to access the turn due to NO RIGHT turn into the lot. Once you enter the lot, you will be directed into a line and to pull ALL the way forward to accommodate as many cars as possible. Cars must be placed in park and when signaled by a West staff member, adults must escort/pick up their child to/from their assigned classroom door. Return to your car immediately and a staff member will release the car line to exit the lot. In order to ensure the safety and well-being of students and staff, CARS ARE NOT allowed to change or exit their lane to go around other cars. If there is an issue, a staff member may direct you to proceed around a car, if needed. Please be cognizant of other families and staff by being attentive and quickly unload and load your student so that we may release the cars and let the next group in to unload/load their children. For safety reasons, if you choose to park on a side street and walk your child, please use the sidewalk and designated area next to the Preschool playground to bring your child to the classroom door. We will continue to use pick up tags given to you so that we can identify permission to release the student to you. If you arrive after the gate is closed, you will be required to park and walk your child to the classroom door.  


Parents MUST walk behind buses while they are on the lot.  Buses will leave once they've unloaded, and it is sometimes impossible for them to see if anyone is in front of the bus.  As a safety precaution we must insist that all foot traffic cross BEHIND the bus, never in front of.


In accordance with Ohio Laws and the Fairfield City School District Elementary Handbook-Grades PreK-5 School Board Polices on page 45, students are required to be at school every day (see full policy in the handbook on the district website). Ohio State Law requires parents to report to schools, by email, when a student is going to be absent.  Please e-mail ([email protected]) by 9:45 AM the day of your child's absence. If we do not hear receive anything from you, you will receive a notification informing you of your child’s absence until we receive written documentation, such as a parent note (email or handwritten) or a doctor’s note. We will be using the REMIND system to make these NOTIFICATIONS. Please call us if your child is at school, as soon as possible, for this provision provides a check on your child's safety and whereabouts.


Any student who arrives after 9:30 AM will be considered tardy. For afternoon Preschool and Kindergarten, students who arrive after 1:20 PM will be considered tardy.  Upon arrival, a tardy student must report to the office for a tardy slip that will admit him/her to class. 


NOTE**According to School Board policy (JED, the full policy is available online at our website): The first forty-two (42) school hours of absence in a school year may be excused, if the absence is for one of the following reasons (see below), and if the parent/guardian provides an email explaining the reason for the absence, or a note when the student returns to school. Such notes are required to be submitted no more than three (3) school days after the student’s return. If documentation is not provided within 3 days, the absence(s) will be deemed unexcused.  Early dismissals and late arrivals are counted toward the number of hours absent. 


School Board policy states that, "The Board does not believe that students should be excused from school for non-emergency trips out of the district.  Students who are taken out of school for trips or vacations will not be given permission to do so by the school.  The responsibility for such absence resides with the parents, and they must not expect any work missed by the child to be retaught by the teacher."  If you decide to take your child out of school for a vacation or sports event, please notify the teacher at least one week prior to the date to discuss make-up work.  The decision as to how much work the student will be held responsible for will rest with the teacher.  A student’s absence may be excused for the following reasons:

  • Personal illness
  • Illness in the family
  • Quarantine of the home
  • Death of a relative
  • Medical or dental appointment
  • Observance of a religious holiday
  • Traveling out of state to attend a Board-approved enrichment activity or extracurricular activity (applies to absences up to four days)
  • An emergency set of circumstances, which in the judgment of the Superintendent/designee is a good and sufficient cause for absence. (E.g. court appearance, college visit)
If you have any questions concerning attendance please contact our attendance clerk, Kerri Miller, in the main office at 513-868-3021.
    • All students released during the school day must be checked out in the office. Students will be released only to a residential parent/guardian or to an authorized pick-up person designated by the residential parent/guardian.  Photo identification will be required for students to be released to the designated person. For safety reason, students are called to the office rather than the adult getting them from class.  Parents/Guests will be asked to wait in the office or the glassed entryway. 
    • Any change in dismissal (i.e. “go to latchkey,” “don’t ride the bus,” etc.) must be called into the office no later than 3:30 pm. We will be strictly enforcing this policy!
    • If your child normally rides the bus home and a parent or authorized person needs to pick up the student at the end of the school day, please make sure they are aware of our dismissal policy. Please tell them to be prepared to show photo identification. We are unable to access the students once they have left the classroom. 
    • We are not allowed to pull students off the bus once they have left the classroom for the bus and parents are not permitted to retrieve their student off the bus or from the bus compound for safety reasons. You will need to meet them at their bus stop.
    • If your child attends latchkey or is a pick-up daily, we will need a note in writing in order to send the child home on his/her regular school bus. It is your responsibility to notify the Latchkey Coordinator at 513-887-0549.
    • If you are aware the previous day of a dismissal change for your child it is helpful to send a note (or email to [email protected]) to inform the office, and a REMIND message to your child’s teacher. The note will ensure your child will be sent to the proper location at dismissal.  If you do not send a note and you cannot be here to pick your child up at dismissal, please plan to pick up your child at his/her bus stop.


The school NEEDS to be able to contact you if there is an emergency involving your child.  Please sign into Final Forms at https://fairfield-oh.finalforms.com/ to make your changes.  If you have a change of address, you must upload proof of residency in Final Forms to update your child’s records.

A great deal of effort by teachers, scheduling clerk and administration goes into properly placing students in homerooms.  Many factors are carefully weighed in order to maximize the effectiveness of the learning environment and needs for each student, classes must be carefully balanced. In order to provide the very best schedule possible for all of our students, we will not be able to honor parental requests for specific homerooms/teachersPlease do not request specific teachers for they will not be honored but instead share the qualities of the type of classroom environment in which your child would thrive.  We will then do our best to match those qualities with the appropriate staff.


  • A great deal of information will come home from the school throughout the year:  Newsletters, forms, invitations, events , brochures, etc. are sent home weekly.  Please check your child's folder daily for information and updates from the school. 
  • REMIND is the number 1 form of communication in our district for all schools and teachers.  You will not receive the traditional all call this year in cases of emergency or calamity days.  If you are not receiving West Remind notices or your teachers messages, please follow the steps below to join: 
 Steps to Sign Up for REMIND:
1) Text to number 81010
2) In the text box, type: @FAWE
3) Enter full name
4) Enter role (Parent)
  • West Website is updated frequenty with important information. Check it weekly to stay informed!
  • Our digital sign out front!  Check it out, we update it weekly!
  • Follow us on Twitter @fcsdwest
  • West News Week at a Peek will be sent out weekly through Remind
  • Follow Fairfield West PTC facebook page: Fairfield West Elementary PTC

Health and Safety are our first priority at West. Due to the pandemic, we adjusted a lot of our procedures in order to bring the children back safely, and will continue with many of them. Here are a few of the main procedural adjustments:

  • Hand washing and Sanitizing procedures and we have significantly increased the number of times. 
  • All staff and students will be required to wear masks. (NOT MANDATED AT THIS TIME)
  • We will continue to encourage social distancing
  • Recess is being monitored by the student's teacher and will not be combined with other classrooms (we have designated zones).
We routinely conduct safety drills, fire drills and weather- related drills for the entire building. We take your child and family’s safety serious and we will continue to evaluate the safety at West throughout the year.
Try out the Little Free Library! Located near the front entrance of the school, this Little Free Library is now open to the school and community to help promote literacy. The concept is to "Take a book, Read it, Return it or Keep it." This particular box had been located at the Fairfield Food Pantry at 1085 Magie Ave., however, when the pantry moved to their new location at 78 Donald Dr., they decided to find a new home for it with more residential traffic. Fairfield West Principal Missy Muller was happy to receive the box for their school and community. Stewards of the box will continue to be the Ladies Group of Fairfield First Baptist Church along with Fairfield West staff and parents. 

School Lunch

  • $3.10 per day ($15.50 per week).
  • If you purchase items separately, milk will be $.50 and juice will be $.50.
  • If your child plans to purchase lunches, please consider paying in advance. Whether you send in a check or use the PaySchools Central system: www.payschoolscentral.com.  It reduces the opportunity for lost lunch money. Our Café Terminal keeps track of each student's account balance.
  • It is important to note that all meals must be paid for unless you qualify for free meals via the Free & Reduced Meal Program. Eligibility applications for this program can be found under the Link to Free & Reduced-Price Meal Applicaiton in Final Forms, on www.payschoolscentral.com,or on the district website Fairfield City School District . We encourage our families to utilize the Payschools Central app to pre-load monetary funds to each students’ account prior to the start of the new school year. Cash payments are discouraged but can be accepted under special circumstances. Please note that change will not be given to students upon receipt; all additional funds will be loaded onto the student’s lunch account.
  • To ensure continued business practices as they relate to being fiscally responsible, Fairfield City Schools will no longer allow students to charge a lunch if there is no money on the account. Under Federal guidelines, students who are unable to purchase a lunch will be eligible to receive a substitute meal that meets USDA and National School Lunch Program guidelines. Students that receive this meal will be charged $1.00 or $0.40 for those students that qualify for reduced-priced meals. The parent/guardian of any student accumulating lunch charges above $10.00 will receive a letter from the district explaining the process of repayment and must facilitate this payment within 30 days of receipt. If charges become delinquent, Fairfield City Schools may take all necessary actions, up to and including legal action to retrieve the past due amount.
  • If you have questions about any information provided in this memo, please feel free to contact the Food Services Department at (513)829-6300.