Mark Braam » Greetings from Mr. Braam!

Greetings from Mr. Braam!

Hi, I am Mark Braam.
I am an English teacher at Fairfield High School. During the 2022-23 school year, I am teaching five bells of sophomores in College/Career-Ready English 10 and one bell of a fifth-year Journalism/Media course.
In addition to being an English teacher, I have been a journalist for the better part of a quarter century, working both in Washington, D.C., as a sports and political reporter and editor, and here as a news editor and designer at The Cincinnati Post and The Cincinnati Enquirer. You might see me at many school events with a camera in my hands and journalism students at my side!
I hope to meet you all, in the classroom, at parent-teacher conferences, or via Zoom, phone or email; meanwhile, here is my own webpage on the district website.
I have this page for a number of reasons:
1. So I can send home news (and sometimes share photos!) of what we are doing or will be doing;
2. So I can post reminders and class-specific files
3. So I can post some educational videos that I make from time to time;
4. So I can post some links to some great educational resources;
5. So I can permanently post some files, such as the class syllabus and class policies, and update them as needed; and
6. So parents and students can get an easy notification each time that I post something new.

How does this work? On the right side of this page, there is a "SUBSCRIBE" button. If you click on the subscribe button, and register, you will get an email notification every time that I post something new to the page. Please note that there is a separate page for class files, which is actually where most new things will get posted. That means you need to subscribe to both pages, please!

Now, not everything that I post will be earth-shaking(!!!), but at least you will know when and if I do.

This is a good and fast way to pass on news, get copies of homework assignments, and to permanently post some items (such as the class syllabus).

Take a look and see how it works! Please feel free to contact me at [email protected].

Mr. Braam
P.S. Many things are still different this year due to the COVID-19. THINGS WILL CONTINUE TO CHANGE!!!! That means there will also be many messages that will go back and forth, and sometimes from different platforms. PLEASE ... be patient as we all (teachers, students, parents and administrators) continue to adjust, sometimes on the fly.


Welcome from Mr. Braam, CCR English 10


This is Mr. Braam, the English teacher for your child who is taking CCR English 10. Today we took some time in the computer lab to subscribe to my school website and to register parents to the website also.
There are two portions to my site. The first is my homepage; it will contain notes and announcements and various important items. The second portion is the CCR English 10 homework page, where HW and presentations are posted for students who have been absent or who forgot to take home the assignments.
Each day that I post something new to my page, you will receive one -- and only one -- email notifying you of the addition(s) along with a brief description. There will be links back to the website if you wish to go there. 
Please feel free to contact me with any question, at [email protected]

SLO Testing to Begin

Just a quick note to let you know we will begin English SLO testing Friday, Aug. 19, 2016. It will continue through at least Monday (and possibly Tuesday if students are not finished with their work).

A Fresh Start (But Some Old Posts)

This is just a quick note to let you know that all following posts are for the 2016-17 school year.
However, I have decided to leave older posts up, because many of them are either still applicable or funny or both!

NOTE: If you were in my classes in previous years and wish to unsubscribe, follow the link that should be attached to this email.

Opportunities to Become a Soccer Referee (Good Pay AND Fitness!)

Here is a note to my students and to any adult who want to make some good money and get exercise simultaneously. Classes to become a first-time soccer referee in time for this fall have been announced. Here are the details (includes a link toward the end):
Ohio South 2017 Entry Referee Training Clinics
Summary of Schedules
Becoming a New Soccer Referee
Summer clinics for new referees for the 2017 registration year, which begins in the Fall of 2016 and continues thru Dec. 2017, are being posted on the "Event Calendar" as clinic sites and dates are confirmed.
Becoming a soccer referee is a great way to contribute to the sport and to the players. It is also an excellent motivator to improve your physical fitness level. You begin by attending classes where you will learn the Laws of the Game, the Spirit of the Game, what are fouls, offside and misconduct and how to deal with them. All Entry Level Referee Clinic sessions are posted on our Event Calendar, as soon as dates and locations are confirmed (a summary of all the scheduled clinics for all districts are shown in the chart below).
Certification requires successfully completing the following items:
1. OSSRC On-Line Training - Prior to the first classroom session you must complete the on-line training.
2. Three (3) Classroom Sessions – Clinic sessions 1, 2, and 3 must be attended in order at the same location and be successfully completed.
3. Outdoor Field Session - Outdoor session maybe taken at any scheduled location.
4. Pass a written test on the Laws of the Game
• the req’d min. age is 14 years old, i.e. born prior to year 2004 (will turn 14 during the 2017 calendar year).
• The fee for the course is $70.00, payable to OSSRC.
• Pre-registration is required.
Click here to pre-register on-line and to complete the on-line training
Log on to the OSSRC's Event Calendar for information and requirements for a specific clinic session.
2017 Entry Referee Clinic Sessions - Cincinnati - District 1 (Summer/Fall 2016)
Session 1  Wed., July 27 
Session 2 Mon., Aug. 1
Session 3 Wed., Aug. 3
Outdoor Location Sun., July 31
At Sycamore HS

Why We Proofread ... (A Continuing Series)

Dropouts are a large concern ... for both schools and shools (and for newspapers who have no copy desks to do proper proofreading).

Free Summer Meals for Kids and Teens

Free summer meals for kids and teens are being served in our community. Open to all children, 18 and younger. NO enrollment and NO cost!
Flyers are available in the Welcome Center.

Open Enrollment Reminder: May 27 Deadline

For all families who live outside the district and attend Fairfield under the Open Enrollment Policy, here is a very important announcement and deadline:

Open Enrollment students and parents – All non-resident open enrolled students (including students who used relocation applications anytime during the 2015-16 school year) who are planning on continuing in Fairfield City Schools for 2016-17, must submit a renewal open enrollment application April 7, 2016 - May 27, 2016. Applications will only be accepted at the Fairfield Administration Building (4641 Bach Lane), weekdays between the hours of 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM during these dates. Applications are available to print on our website beginning March 1, 2016 – Parents tab – Open Enrollment) All application must be submitted in person - no mailed, faxed or emailed applications will be accepted. Please be aware that all school fees must be paid in full prior to your submission of an application for the 2016-17 school year.

Why We Proofread ... (A Continuing Series)

USA Today just recently ran an article talking about how thousands of shipments of marijuana are leaving Colorado for other states where marijuana is illegal. It included a map showing Colorado and its surrounding states.
Only one problem: The state USA Today shows as being Colorado is actually ... Wyoming.
And to top it off, the news-graphic misspells marijuana -- spelling it as "marjijuana."
There are all kinds of jokes that could be made of these proofreading errors ... but we will refrain (and just encourage USA Today and Gannett to one day bring back a real copy desk to the newspaper world!).
P.S. Test your geography/proofreading skills. Which state on the map IS actually Colorado?

Info for Jobs at McDonald's (reminder about Kroger)

As I mentioned in class today, I recently saw one of my former students getting a job interview and being hired while I was eating at the Fairfield McDonald's near the corner of Nilles and Pleasant.
I asked the manager doing the hiring if she was eager for employees. She said she was in great need of workers, particularly those who could work evenings and weekends (and that included adults-moms/dads).
She gave my a large pack of bookmarks with hiring info on it.
I offered them to students in class (quite a few took them), but I wanted to pass the info on.
Essentially, the bookmark says that "Open Interviews are held daily," and that you should text "APPLY04003" to 36453. 
The address of the store is 563 Nilles Road, Fairfield, OH 45014. 
More information can be found at

In addition, I saw that the Fairfield/Village Green Kroger is still actively looking for new employees. Quite a few of my students are now working there

Why We Proofread ... (A Continuing Series)

One of our classmates noticed on the District website recently that Thanksgiving break is scheduled next year for Nov. 23-24 ... 2076!!!!! We were glad to know that planners were thinking so far ahead!

Plea for School Supplies (DON'T THROW THEM AWAY!!!)

This note is for students and parents:
Each year, I cringe at the amount of waste that I see as students clean out their lockers. Thrown into the trash are:
* Reams of unused paper.
* Boxes of new pens, pencils, highlighters, markers and Sharpies.
* Brand-new binders,folders and pencil pouches.
* Clothing with price tags still on.
* Spiral notebooks that have not been opened. much less written on.
* Independent novels that are like new.
* And many other usable items of value.

What I ask of you is that if -- and only if -- you were going to throw away these items, please bring them instead to me in my room, #3301. I have boxes set up and I already have students bringing me materials.

I do this each year. This current school year I have given away at least 7-8 very large boxes of materials to students and teachers in need.
Please realize that we have many students who attend Fairfield who can barely afford food and underwear, much less school supplies. Please help me help them next year by giving to me what you no longer want or need at the end of this year. 

Thank you!

Summer School Sign-Up Deadlines (Plus OGT)

Summer School packets are now available online and in the guidance office at FHS. 
* Deadline to register for advanced credit is Friday, May 20. 
* The deadline to register for make-up credit is Thursday, June 2
* If you are interested in taking any missing OGT's over the summer, the deadline to register is Friday, June 3
Please see your guidance counselor with any questions.

Fairfield High School Sport Physicals

Fairfield High School Sport Physicals
Partnered With
Mercy Hospital-Fairfield
Will be held on
Monday May 23, 2016
Incoming Seniors for 2016/17: 5:45 PM
Incoming Juniors for 2016/17: 6:15 PM
Incoming Sophomores for 2016/17: 6:45 PM
Incoming Freshman for 2016/17: 7:15 PM
Incoming 7th & 8th for 2016/17: 7:45 PM
All interested athletes are to enter the high school through door #9 located in the back of the school near the practice fields. You may enter the back of the school off Holden Blvd. to Gilmore Road.
The cost of physicals is $10.00.
Please register with Final Forms.
Physical form history must be filled out and printed before arriving. This will help our physicians in their exam.

Volunteers Wanted for Dance!!!

Attention any student interested in volunteering for the Special Education Spring Dance:   Please contact Mrs. McQueen in room 2401.  The dance will be this Friday, May 6, 2016. 

From personal experience, I would like to say that helping out at the dance can be a blast. Also, some students who have attended the dances in the past have discovered vocations for the future, discovering that they truly like to help people in need.

Reminder on Open Enrollment


Open Enrollment students and parents – All non-resident open enrolled students (including students who used relocation applications anytime during the 2015-16 school year) who are planning on continuing in Fairfield City Schools for 2016-17, must submit a renewal open enrollment application April 7, 2016 - May 27, 2016.  Applications will only be accepted at the Fairfield Administration Building (4641 Bach Lane), weekdays between the hours of 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM during these dates.  Applications are available to print on our website beginning March 1, 2016 ( – Parents tab – Open Enrollment) All application must be submitted in person - no mailed, faxed or emailed applications will be accepted.  Please be aware that all school fees must be paid in full prior to your submission of an application for the 2016-17 school year.