Mark Braam » Greetings from Mr. Braam!

Greetings from Mr. Braam!

Hi, I am Mark Braam.
I am an English teacher at Fairfield High School. During the 2022-23 school year, I am teaching five bells of sophomores in College/Career-Ready English 10 and one bell of a fifth-year Journalism/Media course.
In addition to being an English teacher, I have been a journalist for the better part of a quarter century, working both in Washington, D.C., as a sports and political reporter and editor, and here as a news editor and designer at The Cincinnati Post and The Cincinnati Enquirer. You might see me at many school events with a camera in my hands and journalism students at my side!
I hope to meet you all, in the classroom, at parent-teacher conferences, or via Zoom, phone or email; meanwhile, here is my own webpage on the district website.
I have this page for a number of reasons:
1. So I can send home news (and sometimes share photos!) of what we are doing or will be doing;
2. So I can post reminders and class-specific files
3. So I can post some educational videos that I make from time to time;
4. So I can post some links to some great educational resources;
5. So I can permanently post some files, such as the class syllabus and class policies, and update them as needed; and
6. So parents and students can get an easy notification each time that I post something new.

How does this work? On the right side of this page, there is a "SUBSCRIBE" button. If you click on the subscribe button, and register, you will get an email notification every time that I post something new to the page. Please note that there is a separate page for class files, which is actually where most new things will get posted. That means you need to subscribe to both pages, please!

Now, not everything that I post will be earth-shaking(!!!), but at least you will know when and if I do.

This is a good and fast way to pass on news, get copies of homework assignments, and to permanently post some items (such as the class syllabus).

Take a look and see how it works! Please feel free to contact me at [email protected].

Mr. Braam
P.S. Many things are still different this year due to the COVID-19. THINGS WILL CONTINUE TO CHANGE!!!! That means there will also be many messages that will go back and forth, and sometimes from different platforms. PLEASE ... be patient as we all (teachers, students, parents and administrators) continue to adjust, sometimes on the fly.


Post-Testing (for English, that is!!!)

Greetings, everyone!
Congratulations. We have made it through the first official week of State Testing for sophomores and of the ACT for juniors, plus we have also completed a week of SLOs.
I was very proud of all of you, as the last two weeks were rather intense. All of the sophomores had two SLO tests over three days, plus two State tests of 105 minutes apiece ... longer than any other tests that they will be taking in the weeks to come.
As most of you know, we have had subs in my room all this week, since I was busy administering the State tests. I have literally only seen the kids during testing and just a smidge in the actual classroom twice in the early morning since last week.
That means we had lots of things that students had to work on independently. Juniors are working on their "Modern America and 1984" argument paper. Sophomores have three assignments leading us into Raisin in the Sun.
All three assignments will be posted in a few minutes after I post this notice, plus I shall repost the junior rubrics and assignment.
Trust me ... I am looking forward to being back with the students as we finish the last 22 days of the school year!


NOTE: For those of you in CCR English 10 who have still NOT turned in your final independent novel papers, my advice is to send them in ASAP. (They were due March 21.)
Send them to me at my email, braam_m@fairfieldcityschools/com. if you have to
True, at this point, you will not get anywhere near all of the possible points, but -- trust me -- any amount of points is better than no points at all!!! You would be amazed at how much even 20-40 points will help a grade.
So what am I saying??? GET IT IN NOW!!!

Still Waiting for Late Final Independent Novel Papers

NOTE: For those of you in CCR English 10 who have NOT turned in your final independent novel papers, my advice is to send them in ASAP. (They were due March 21.)
Send them to me at my email, braam_m@fairfieldcityschools/com.
Do so even if you have to hand in your cover separately when we come back to school.

JOB ALERT: Kroger jobs for parents AND students

Attention Fairfield Parents and Students:


I just spent 20 minutes today (Saturday) talking to the woman in charge of hiring at the Kroger on Wessel Drive in Fairfield's Village Green. The local Kroger DESPERATELY needs employees for many departments and are hiring down to age 16 for quite a few positions. There are many positions that you need to be 18 or older (such as a deli clerk), but there are plenty of positions for all ages.
At least two of my students already work there, and another was just hired a few days ago!
Because I talked to her, here is a chance to jump to the head of the hiring/interview line if you follow these instructions:
1. What you need to get started
      * Email address to receive updates about your application status
      * Employment history (if applicable)
      * Education information
      * Computer and 20 minutes to complete the application online. Or, you can get started, save your work, then finish and send it to Kroger later.
The website is

      * Send in the application online
      * Then, without waiting for a response, immediately cal CAMILLE WAGNER, associate relations manager, at 513-858-8200.
       * Tell her that you talked with your teacher, Mark Braam, and that he said to call immediately so that she can locate your application and get the process for an interview started immediately. Her email is [email protected], if you wish to contact her that way (though I suggest the phone call).
      * When is the best time to do all this? RIGHT NOW!!!! It is Spring Break and you have time!!!!

3. Good Luck! If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at [email protected] and I will do my best to help you.

Have a nice spring break

Why We Proofread ... (A Continuing Series) 

Wow!!!! I wonder if my nephew who works for Air France as a Concorde engineer knows about this plane? This flight goes from New York to London in 11 minutes at 16 times the speed of LIGHT!!!!
(And who says we don't need to proofread?) At least the AOL story connected to this link is correct in that inventors are claiming flights 16 times the "speed of sound."

Open Enrollment Deadline for 2016-17 Coming Soon

Parents, Students: Do you live in another school district than Fairfield?
Here is a notice from the school about Open Enrollment deadlines for the 2016-17 school year:
"Open Enrollment students and parents – All non-resident open enrolled students (including students who used relocation applications anytime during the 2015-16 school year) who are planning on continuing in Fairfield City Schools for 2016-17, must submit a renewal open enrollment application April 7, 2016 - May 27, 2016.
Applications will only be accepted at the Fairfield Administration Building (4641 Bach Lane), weekdays between the hours of 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM during these dates. Applications are available to print on our website beginning March 1, 2016 – Parents tab – Open Enrollment)
All application must be submitted in person - no mailed, faxed or emailed applications will be accepted. Please be aware that all school fees must be paid in full prior to your submission of an application for 2016-17 school year."

FHS Warning About Social Media

The Following Warning is from Fairfield City Schools about Social Media Use:

"Students, please be aware of what you are posting on social media or sending through instant messages at all times.
You can be disciplined for things such as: sending abusive or threatening emails, website postings, or comments and instant messages; using camera phones to take embarrassing photographs or videos of students and/or distributing or posting the photos or videos online; and using websites, social networking sites, blogs or personal online journals, emails or instant messages to circulate gossip and rumors to other students.
If you take a picture or video of someone without their permission, it is possible that the student will feel that the picture or video is embarrassing. This includes posts and messages made outside the school day if it is determined the posts have affected the educational environment."  

Events for Teens at the Lane Library

Here are some upcoming events for teens at The Lane Library in Fairfield (all programs for ages 12-18):

Teen Writing Group
Wednesdays, February 3 and 17, 2016
6-7:30 PM
Like to write? Join us as we get creative and give each other constructive writing critiques.

Young @Heart book club
Saturday, February 6, 2016
3-4 PM
Join us for our discussion of We Were Liars by E. Lockhart

Be Our Valentine
Wednesday, February 10, 2016
6:30-7:30 PM
Whether you have a special someone or not, spend Valentine's Day with us for an evening of fun games and sweet treats! Please register here: [

Ultimate Gamefest
Saturday, February 20, 2016
3-5 PM
Is winter giving you the blues? Spend the afternoon with us for snacks and the ultimate video, board and Minecraft gamefest! Please register here: [

Teen Cafe
Wednesday, February 24, 2016
5-8 PM
Popcorn, dinosaurs and fun oh my! This month's movie is Jurassic World. Come hang out for this terrific flick and have some yummy snacks too!
Have questions about these events or any other teen-related activities? Contact:
Linsey Milillo
Public Services Librarian (Teen Services)
Fairfield Lane Library
(513) 858-3238 ext. 1315

Computer Lab and Peer Tutoring Availability

Computer Lab

* The Computer Lab in the Media Center (Library) is open for student use Monday-Thursday one hour before school (7- 8 a.m) and one hour after school (2:30-3:30).

Peer Tutoring

* Do you need help writing your English paper or conjugating those Spanish verbs or solving that one math problem on the homework? Peer tutoring is available every Tuesday and Thursday afternoon in the library, 2:30-3:30. If you need extra help, this is the place to go!
Also, soon I will be announcing a method to use peer tutoring to not only get some help, but to also get some extra credit for attendance at thge peer tutoring sessions.

School-Based Health Center Open House/Registration

Open House

Fairfield's new School-Based Health Center is having an Open House on Saturday, Jan. 30, from noon-2 p.m. 


The new School-Based Health Center is now accepting patients. Sign up now and you'll be entered in iPad Drawing! Primary Health Solutions-Fairfield City School-Based Health Center is located in the rear of the Academy building, 211 Donald Drive, Fairfield, OH.
The center is now accepting patients -- students, their parents and staff are eligible to receive medical, dental, vision and mental health services. All insurance accepted. We cannot provide services if registration information is not on file. Register today! Enter to win an iPad!

3 chances if you register by January 31, 2016
1 chance if you register by the February 1 drawing

Please go to for more information on how to register for services.
Consent forms are also on the FCSD website:

Why We Proofread ... (A Continuing Series)

Wow, now it all makes sense.
There IS a reason why we didn't get any snow on Friday here in Fairfield ... we misunderstood all of the forecasts. 
Instead of a "Blizzard Warning" that had us all out buying bread and milk, we instead had a "Lizzard Warning" -- and we all should have been stocking up to fend off reptiles with long tails!!!

(P.S. Also notice that the warning is also missing the second time on Sunday ... another example of bad proofreading!)

Why We Proofread ... (A Continuing Series)

One of my sophomore students, who also works as a waitress at a local eating establishment, noticed that the menu/coloring page for the younger folks had some interesting mistakes ... as in Chilrens Menu (instead of Children's).
The missing apostrophe for possessive is bad enough, but a missing D?

3rd Quarter Conferences are Feb. 11

Conference Night will be held on Thursday, February 11, from 3:30-7 p.m.  If you would like to meet with me about English class, you must make an appointment.  Please call 942-2999, extension 142 and speak with Mrs. Riggs. 
P.S. On the report cards (WHICH WENT HOME TODAY!!!!), I requested to speak with a number of parents during conferences. Please ask your child for their report cards this evening. I have also left quite a few emails and voice mails requesting conferences.

Volunteer Hours Opportunity

Are you looking for ways to earn some volunteer hours?  Great Parks of Hamilton County has several opportunities for students ages 14-17.  Flyers with information are available in the Guidance Office.

Guidance News for 2016-17 Classes


Parents: Here is a repeat of some information we have discussed in class about class options for next year:

      * Any student interested in taking an Advanced Standing class at FHS next year should plan to attend an information session with his/her parents/guardians on Thursday, February 11.  The meeting will take place during parent/teacher conferences at 5 pm in the Community Room at FHS.  There will be a representative from Cincinnati State here to present information to anyone interested.

       * Any student interested in taking CCP courses off campus (formerly PSEO) should plan to attend a meeting with his/her parents/guardians on Thursday, February 11 at 6 pm during Parent/Teacher Conferences.  The meeting will be in the Community Room at FHS.  Please note: To participate in this program, a face-to-face meeting is required.  If you are unable to attend, you will need to schedule an individual meeting with your child's counselor prior to Spring Break.

        Questions?  Please contact the guidance office at FHS at 942-2999 or your child's counselor.