POLICY ENFORCEMENT: Printing BEFORE class begins

Up until today, I have been rather lenient with students not following repeated directions and policy about printing assignments and having them ready at the start of the bell -- ready to work on an activity -- despite warning them constantly to do so.
Today, however, I was swamped with students who did not have them ready, and we wasted a large portion of time with students streaming in and out of the room to go print Rough Draft #2.
Sooooooo ... from this day onward, if students do not have their papers ready and have to go print them after the bell has rung, the work will be treated as late. This is not new; rather, it is a policy enforcement
Student options for printing are many. For example, students can print:
1. In class while working on papers the days before the due date.
2. In the school library for one hour before school
3. In the school library for one hour after school
4. In the school library during lunch (or during a study hall or an intervention bell)
5. In another teacher's room, if they have a printer and give permission
6. At home
7. At Lane Library
8. In an open computer lab, if it is available during the day
9. Plus -- AS ALWAYS -- students may email me the paper before the due time and I will print it (however, get a conformation that I have received an email).
10, Or bring me a flash drive BEFORE the due time and I will print it.
11. Or come to me before school and open your Google Drive and I will print it.
With so many options, there really is no excuse for not getting a paper printed beforehand. 
Thank you for kind participation!!!!