Reminder: Personal Narrative Final Drafts Due Mon., Nov. 20

A quick reminder that the Final Draft of the personal narrative is due at the start of class Monday, Nov. 20, along with all related materials. 
In the following order, students should hand in:
1. The Scoresheet/Rubric
2. The final draft, along with all of the mandatory highlighting and labeling of required items
3. Rough draft #1 and completed peer edit
4. Rough draft #2 and completed peer edit
5. 5Ws and an H Planning Sheet, completed
6. Timeline Organizer, completed
7. Sensory Details/Observation Chart, completed
For those who have misplaced it, I have included a copy of the Scoresheet /Rubric.
REMEMBER: All printing must be done before class. The school library is open 1 hour before school, plus students may print during lunch, study halls, intervention, at home, in the Lane Library, at a neighbor ... or SEND IT TO ME IN AN EMAIL OR BRING IT TO ME IN A FLASH DRIVE BEFORE CLASS and I will print it (but not when the class is scheduled to start).
Be responsible. If you send it to me in an email, get a return email confirmation from me that I have seen your email and can open/print the file