HW: Personal Narrative

For Tuesday (Sept. 23): Please come to class with three (3) specific narrowly focused ideas that you might be interested in writing about for your personal narratives. You must have these ideas ready at the start of class, because the day's exercises are based on you having them.

Also for Tuesday (Sept. 23): if you had not finished the four mentor texts and questions that were originally due Monday, you must have them ready to hand in on Tuesday also.

For Wednesday (Sept. 24): Students will be required to hand in their final topic choice for the personal narrative.

For Thursday (Sept. 25): Students must have either a flash drive or an email account to be able to store their text for the personal narrative. They will get time in class to get started.

For Monday (Sept. 29): Rough draft due of personal narrative. Needed that day at start of classs to participate in peer-editing