Poem of the Day 2014-15 Packet (IMPORTANT)

Attached is a compiled booklet of our class' "Poem of the Day" selections.
We will be using these for several upcoming activities:
1. They are being used to prepare questions for a Socratic Seminar (a worksheet with the questions will also be attached as a file). Note: Although the other poems in the booklet may be used in developing questions, I have asked students to make sure that at least half their questions involve the following poems in some way: "Victor," "Annabel Lee," "Porphyria's Lover," "Sonnet 71," and "To Althea, From Prison." The Socratic Circle is Monday
2. They will be used with a Tuesday test over Poetic/Literary Terms.
3. They will be used with a future essay unit test (after break)
In other words, DO NOT LOSE THIS PACKET. 
You are heavily encouraged to take notes in it and highlight items.