Rotten Relationships Text Set, Part 1

The attached file includes the text Set activities we have doing in class Wednesday and Thursday, Dec. 3-4, 2014. To do at home. Read the front page and follow the instructions, one question at a time.
Note: In the fourth question, the link to reach the Sesame Street episode on divorce is ... or you can go to Google and type in Sesame Street Divorce Episode and it should be found in the first option. You only have to watch the first three very short clips.
Text sets are a crucial concept in both preparing for standardized tests and life. In real life, you rarely, if ever, make a decision based upon one source of information. That is why practicing with text sets -- collections of information from multiple sources, such as articles, books, charts, maps, videos, newscasts, photos, etc. -- mimics skills that you will always use (and also utilize in such tests as the OGT and the PARRC).
Additional files for this text set will move next week.