Full-Time Job Opportunity in Transportation

Employment  Opportunity

Butler County Educational Service Center
January 23, 2017
POSITION: Transportation Dispatcher
GENERAL DESCRIPTION: This employee serves as a dispatcher in the transportation department. The person is responsible for the routine functions of the assigned position.
 Must be at least 21 years of age.
 Must be competent in English composition including proficiency in vocabulary and spelling.
 Must be able to organize and direct the work of others, if required.
 Must have a general knowledge of organization, functions of staff members and lines of authority.
 Must have good knowledge of the use of computer software, including routing software and related equipment.
 Must have good knowledge of such procedures as budget preparation, maintenance of personnel records, and requisitioning of supplies.
 Must be able to maintain good public relations with adults and students.
 History of good job attendance.
 Must pass criminal background checks and be free from communicable disease.
STARTING DATE: Immediately
SALARY: $15.00 - $18.00 per hour based upon education and experience
BENEFITS: Excellent benefit package based upon Board Policy
WORK YEAR: Full Time – 245 days
DEADLINE: Applications will be accepted until position is filled.
APPLY TO: Apply by clicking: Application
The Butler County Educational Service Center is an equal opportunity employer. Applications will be accepted without regard to age, race, handicap, color, sex or national origin. The regulations of Title VI, VII (Civil Rights Acts of 1984), Equal Pay act of 1963, Americans With Disabilities Act, Title IX, and the Drug-free Schools and Communities Act of 1989 are followed. (If you need an accommodation to interview, contact Human Resources by the deadline.