Summer Job Opportunities and Community/District News

I hope the start of summer vacation has been pleasant for you and your family.
I know the 2016-17 school year is over, but I will continue to send out some messages to students and families, primarily whenever I see something within the district or the community that may benefit you.
One of the big items I like to pass along are opportunities for Summer Jobs. I talk to employers frequently, and ask them what their needs are and also what ages they hire. I will pass possible jobs along (please note that some of the jobs are also appropriate for older children and even parents).
The first job that I will pass along that will hire 16-year-olds and older is at Reichly's Hallmark, a card shop in the little strip mall that is to the left of the Kroger in the Village Green on Wessel Drive. At the time I talked to them, they were primarily looking for nights and weekends, about 15 hours (but that, of course, may change).
A contact phone number is 513-829-6600. 
Be professional, good luck, and have a great summer ... and I will check back in with more jobs as I hear of them!