Mark Braam » Posts


Monday, Feb. 23: Where We Are Having Class, Due Date

Read entire message ...

* On Monday, Feb. 23, Mr. Braam's classes will be meeting in the computer lab in Room #2209. Go directly there.

Bring your flash drives or other methods to save, plus your Independent Novel. We will be working on Response #2 (unless you have already sent it to me, in which case you will be either reading and/or working on Response #3).
* Your Response #2 will be due Tuesday, Feb. 24.
It was originally due Feb. 19.
* I continue to encourage you to send Response #2 to me in advance at [email protected].

Why We Proofread ... (A Continuing Series)

A 6th-bell student found a news report of Syracuse star Roosevelt Bouie having his jersey number retired.
However, folks want to know who this "Bowie" fellow is whose name is on the jersey?!?!? 

Re-Posted: Independent Reading Assignment 2015

Some students have sent me emails saying that they failed to take their packets home that included the prompts for Response #2. The entire packet was (and still is!!!) posted on this website, but I am attaching it again so that it will be easy to find.
* Be looking for additional posts as to where we will meet the next time we are in school.
* I will post the following information again, but for those of you who have been keeping up on your work, you may send me your Response #2 by email (to [email protected]) sometime today or this weekend (the sooner the better). Doing so will be to your benefit (hint, hint).
* Remember: Each due date requires the answering of just one (1) of the 14 prompts, not three. It must also be a different prompt than used in Response #1.

Friday: Go to Classroom First, Plus Due Date


OK, let's try this again!!!
* If -- and that may be a big if -- we are in school on Friday, Mr. Braam's classes will attempt to go to the computer lab again. However, not all classes will be meeting in the same computer lab. So, because of that, everyone should meet in the classroom first, then go together. BE ON TIME!!!
* Also ... I am going to be generous and let you hand in the 2nd response on Monday, Feb. 23. However, I would like to get a start on reading/grading them over the weekend, so -- if you have them ready to turn in at the end of class Friday -- I will give you some extra credit points for being prepared (since the original due date was Thursday, Feb. 19).
Stay warm!!!! 

Why We Proofread ... (a continuing series)

A second-bell student found this in Hamilton. It is a tad confusing. We guess -- between the yellow color and the spelling -- that this company must be "finanancing" bananas!!!

Mr. Braam: Where To Meet Thursday, Response Due Date

Greetings, folks!!!!
I hope you have had a pleasant 5 days off (and got some much-needed rest AND work completed)!!!
Assuming that we will have school tomorrow, here is what we will do Thursday, Feb. 19:
* We will meet in the computer lab in Room 2109 (the same one that we were going to be in on Tuesday). This will happen even if we have a delay Thursday.
* We will work on typing our responses.

* Responses will now be due Friday, Feb. 20.

* Those of you who have to take the Text Structure quiz will do so either Thursday or Friday.
Questions? Email me at [email protected]
See you tomorrow.

Why We Proofread ... (A Continuing Series)

One of my students found this ad online. She and I both wonder what the relaxing "message" would say!?!? 

Identifying Text Structures Stations

Attached are the 5 Text Structure Stations that we are working on in class on Tuesday and Wednesday, Feb.10-11, 2015. Follow the instructions on each of the worksheets, which are essentially to:
1 Read the passages; 2. Identify which Text Structure each passage is; Explain the reasons you chose that text structure; and 4. Underline examples in the text backing up your reasoning.
This is in preparation/review for a quiz on Friday, Feb. 13, 2015, over Text Structures

Why We Proofread ... (A Continuing Series)

A student found this, leaving us both to wonder just how we are supposed to "Inster" a gift card?!?!?

Quiz: Text Structures, Friday, Feb. 13

A reminder that we will be a quiz on Friday, Feb. 13, 2015, over Text Structures. You may practice/review with the stations work we are doing in class Tuesday and Wednesday

Due Date: Reading Log and Annotations

Mr. Braam will be checking both Reading Logs and Independent Novel annotations on Thursday and Friday, Feb. 12-13, 2015, so be sure to have your reading log and annotated book with you on those days (even though you should have them with you every day in the first place!!!)
The Reading log and Annotations should be through wherever you are in the book on those days.

Why We Proofread ...  (A Continuing Series)

Did you know the capital of our state is Colombus?!?!
(Notice that the name "Columbus" is used correctly four times within the story, including the byline ... there is NO excuse for having it wrong, particularly in a headline.)