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Don't Forget Your "I Prefer" Poems Monday!!!

I hope you all had a great break. I spent most of mine being sick (Boooo!!!!!!), but, even so, it was a much needed two weeks for all of us.

Your "I Prefer" Poems are due Monday, Jan. 5!!!
We will be posting them on the wall and discussing them.

Updated "I Prefer" & "The Language of ...": What Do I Notice?

Poem due on first day back from break

Attached is the work we did in class on Friday, Dec. 19, 2014, plus the assignment that will be due on our first day back in class after Winter Break (time will be given on Friday to work on the poem).
Students should examine the model poems "I Prefer" and "The Language of ..." and write down everything that notice about them, including the words chosen and the poetic devices used.
Students will then write their own "I Prefer" poem, which will be posted on the wall (and some of which may be posted online)!
 FYI: I have added a list at the end of the file of most of the things that the students should have noticed.

Socratic Circle Make-Up Postponement

I once again have to postpone my after-school Socratic Circle make-up sessions once again.
Due to deaths and illnesses/hospitalizations in my family, the first one will NOT be held on Monday, Dec. 15.
Instead the two possible make-up sessions (I hope) will be instead Wednesday, Dec. 17, and Friday, Dec. 19., after school in the 3107 computer lab, from 2:40-3:10.
Thank you for understanding the delays during this rough time.

Last Night of the World w/ questions

Attached is the Friday, Dec. 12, 2014, in-class assignment, "The Last Night of the World," It is a Ray Bradbury short story featuring two parents discussing the end of the world -- which will happen in just a few short hours.
It was scheduled to be due on Monday at start of class, but due to deaths and illnesses in my family, that has been postponed until my return, which should be Tuesday, Dec. 16.

Why We Proofread ... A Continuing Series

So what is wrong with this window sign that some business has paid good money to create?
Well, injured people may be willing to hire this law firm ... but, somehow, I doubt that very many people who have been "killed in a car wreck,trucking accident, construction site accident, etc."  will respond!!!

Rotten Relationships: Dateline Bathtub Mystery, Text Set Part 2

The attached file is the work done in class on Monday and Tuesday, Dec. 8-9, 2014. It is due on Wednesday.
The assignment includes watching a "Dateline" episode about the Ryan Widmer  murder trial, taking notes (just as a jury member would do, then deciding whether or not Widmer was guilty or innocent. The student then writes a claim, along with a reasons supporting the claim. Clicking on Dateline: Bathtub Mystery will take you to the episode online.

Socratic Circle Seminar Make-Up Session Dec. 5 (after school)

The make-up session of the Socratic Seminar for Mr. Braam’s classes will be held after school today (Friday, Dec. 5) in the Room #3107 computer lab from 2:40 to (about) 3:10. BE ON TIME!!!

Bring your list of questions and your Poem of the Day poetry booklet.

Additional dates may be offered as needed.

This is for students who were absent on Monday, Dec. 1, failed to talk during that session or who failed to bring their questions that day. 

Remember, you must have your questions to participate.

Rotten Relationships Text Set, Part 1

The attached file includes the text Set activities we have doing in class Wednesday and Thursday, Dec. 3-4, 2014. To do at home. Read the front page and follow the instructions, one question at a time.
Note: In the fourth question, the link to reach the Sesame Street episode on divorce is ... or you can go to Google and type in Sesame Street Divorce Episode and it should be found in the first option. You only have to watch the first three very short clips.
Text sets are a crucial concept in both preparing for standardized tests and life. In real life, you rarely, if ever, make a decision based upon one source of information. That is why practicing with text sets -- collections of information from multiple sources, such as articles, books, charts, maps, videos, newscasts, photos, etc. -- mimics skills that you will always use (and also utilize in such tests as the OGT and the PARRC).
Additional files for this text set will move next week.

Job Opportunity for Students


Jersey Mike's is hiring for its new Fairfield location (in Jungle Jim's plaza)!

If you know someone who is looking for a job (teens are strongly encouraged to apply), send an email to Charles Halbrook, [email protected] or visit the Tri-County store at 11409 Princeton Pike in Springdale to fill out an application. If an application is completed at Tri-County, be sure to specify that it is for the Fairfield store.
P.S. This was a note originally sent in a Fairfield District news release on Tuesday, Dec. 2.

Why We Proofread ... A Continuing Series

Another student found a news flash spelling error during reporting of recent Ferguson riot-related protesting. Good catch!

Socratic Circle Reminder for Monday

We will be holding the postponed Socratic Circle on Monday. 
Remember, I have the questions that were handed in to me last Monday; those of you who who did not hand in questions MUST have them with you, or else you will not be able to participate in the Circle.
NOTE: I am not happy with several students who chose to copy questions from a classmate; nor am I happy with classmates who let them copy. Your grades will reflect your choices.

Why We Proofread ... A Continuing Series

I challenged my class to find a proofreading mistake in a sign less than half a mile from the high school, a sign that hundreds of students pass by every day yet no one had claimed for extra credit. 
Today ... the quest has ended!!!
(Still looking for the mistake? Better test the batteries in your spelling machine!)

Why We Proofread ... Part of a Series

Another one of my students came up with this gem. Notice the location of the fire. Still don't get it? Try saying the place out loud!

Test Tuesday, Plus Long-Term HW Now Due Reminder

Just a quick reminder that the Poetry/Literary Devices test is Tuesday, Nov. 24, and that the Poetry Devices Packet is due the same day at the start of class.
* NOTE: As pointed out in class, students should bring their copy of the Poem of the Day booklet. It MUST be used during the second portion of the test. 
The exam is in two parts, multiple choice and extended response.