Mark Braam » Posts


No School Tuesday, Nov. 4 (and Voting!)

Just a reminder ... there is no school Tuesday, Nov. 4. Students are off, while teachers have an in-service day to discuss teacher methods.
One suggestion: Since your child is out of school, take him or her to the polls with you. No matter who or what you vote for, it is good for students to see democracy in action.

Taxi by Amy Lowell and LEST intro

The following attached file is a poem named "The Taxi" by Amy Lowell.
Students are to read it several times, then mark it up and take notes using LEST analysis (Literal, Emotional, Stylistic, Thematic).
Students are to be ready to discuss this poem at the start of class on Wednesday.

Substitute Teachers Needed

Need a job? Have a bachelor's degree?
There is a dire need for substitute teachers in Fairfield and in Butler County.

Here is the info posted on the Fairfield website:

"Fairfield needs subs! Earn while students learn! Do you have a bachelor's degree and some free time to earn while students learn? If so, you can obtain a substitute teaching license! Visit the Butler County Educational Service Center's website at Select 'Substitute Teaching' under the 'Educators' tab. It's an excellent opportunity for anyone interested in working with FCSD student. You can also contact the Butler County ESC at 887-3710."

Another option is to directly contact Fairfield's personnel manager, Lisa McCune, at 858-7107 for more information.

FYI: If you sub, you choose what days you work, plus you choose what schools and ages you are willing to sub for.
Believe me, Fairfield teachers would LOVE to have more subs in the system. We are having to cover other teachers during our plan periods.

Why We Proofread ... an ongoing series

The following link takes you to a USA Today story about how a statue of  famous journalist Ernie Pyle has proofreading issues:

"From afar, the piece is immaculate, but if you look closely at the press patch on Pyle's left arm, you'll notice "correspondent" is spelled "corespondent."

Upcoming Days

I have been absent the last two days, and will be again on Friday.  
Some notes about the upcoming days:
* Do not hand in any late assignments to a sub; wait until the day I return to the classroom. I will not accept a "The sub must have lost my paper" excuse.

* On Friday, students will be reading chapters 5-6 and working on the reading guide. They will also have a copy of a sample response from me to the Chap. 4  extended response question so that they can compare their responses to mine. NOTE: My model response is for ALL four characters mentioned; students were required to bring up at least ONE character in their responses (so judge your response accordingly!).

* On Monday, we will still have the Chap. 4 quiz (along with anyone who missed the quizzes for Chapters 1-3).

* Tuesday, the Chap. 5-6 Reading Guide is due.

* Wed., the Chap. 5-6 quiz.

Why We Proofread ... A Continuing Series

Another student found this GRREAT (poor) example of spelling in a bin at the grocery.

Writing Clinics A Success

Three days of writing clinics after school are over. I am fairly happy with the number of students who showed up from my classes for either help with their personal narratives or for extra time to use the computers and printers. It was enough of a success that I plan to offer additional dates in the future. 
Note: I am always available to students who make appointments to see me after school if they need advice or help with writing.

To a Mouse, old and new English

This poem, "To a Mouse," was read and discussed in class on Friday, Oct. 3. The poem, by Robert Burns in 1785, is the source for the title of "Of Mice and Men." (This file includes both the old and the modern English.)

Focus mainly on the last two stanzas, where the narrator discusses how plans tend to go wrong for both mice AND men; however, mice only worry about the present, while men stress out about the present, past and future.