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How To Reach the AIR Test Practice Portal

Attached is an instruction sheet on how to reach the state's AIR test practice portal. There is a web address on the form for you to take a shortcut to the site.
Our class used these instructions to practice online for the upcoming EOC exams on Tuesday and Wednesday. We used the one described in the form on Tuesday, April 10, and then did the ELA ! practice exam on Wednesday, April 11.
NOTE: These instructions can be used to reach ALL state-provided AIR practice exams and questions for ALL grades and courses (such as math and science). 

Warning: No Phones Out At Any Point Monday

Parents: An early warning for your children.

During Monday's class, no phones will be allowed out at any point, either before, during, or after the quiz on Text Structures. If a student gets a phone out at any point, they will receive a zero on the quiz. No exceptions.
There has been a rash of cheating in different classes recently, and I want there to be no opportunity to snap a photo of the test and share it with other students in later bells.

MLA Requirements Reminder Sheet

Attached is a MLA Requirements Reminder Sheet, to prod your memory of everything that must be included in MLA style. Use it with the Independent Novel Essay that you are to turn in on Monday, March 5.
Read it.
Use it.
Live it!!!

Monday, March 5

Just a reminder to my students: As I have been repeating all week:
* The first prompt response for the Independent Novel unit is due Monday
* The quiz over Text Structures is Monday
* The handout on How Slavery Really Ended in America is due Monday. 
You have had the better part of the week to work on and prepare for these items, so buckle down and get them all done ... and done well!!!
(NOTE TO PARENTS: Many, if not most, of the students have already finished these items and will be studying Friday for Monday's quiz. The only reason that the items are all due on Monday was to give those  who are behind a chance to catch up.)

Crucial Reminder About Writing/Saving Essays in Class

We will be working on our first response to our independent novels over the next few days in class. As a reminder, students will need a method to save their work.
As those of you who have Butler Tech classes have discovered, ALWAYS have a backup plan for saving your work, including printing out copies each day of what you have finished.
(For those of you parents who do not know, Butler Tech's networks and computers have all been infected by a virus/malware, and the entire system -- servers, PCs, and laptops -- will all have to be re-imaged ... the process may take a month or more before it is completed. That is why it is crucial to have backup plans).

Upcoming Quiz

ATTENTION: There will be a quiz over Text Structures on Monday, March 5. 

Reminder: Book in class by Tuesday, Source of Some Books

Once again, remember that students need to have their book in hand in class on Tuesday for the Independent Novel Unit.
If you need to talk to me about getting a book, talk to me or send me an email SOONER rather than later.
FYI: Half-Price Books in Bridgewater Falls is holding 8 copies behind the counter for my classes of Absolutely True Diary of a Part Time Indian, Go to the counter and tell them you are Mr. Braam's English class, Ask for the 20% discount that is available through Monday
Also, I just looked on Amazon, and Sold is on sale for $5.80, and it is available for two-day delivery (even one day if you are a Prime member.

Reminder: Book Due In Class Tuesday, Feb. 20

A major reminder: All students are to have their independent novels in hand and in the classroom on Tuesday, Feb. 20. They will need it to be able to participate in the work that day.
That means:
* Order book online NOW
* Go to school or public libraries) NOW
* Go to bookstores like Half-Priced Books NOW
* Borrow book from family member or friend NOW
* Come talk to Mr. Braam about possibility of borrowing or buying a book NOW, either during class, before school, after school, at lunch, etc.
* Whatever you need to do to get a book by Tuesday, do it NOW!!!
Remember: We are not in school Friday or Monday. I can be contacted via email on those days and over the weekend at [email protected], but do NOT wait until Tuesday morning to just begin to come talk with me

IMPORTANT: Scheduling Reminder


We will be in the guidance counselor's office all bell on Tuesday to have one-on-one conferences with the counselors. The purpose is to decide on which classes to take in the 2018-19 school year.
WARNING: The process for changing courses after June 7 will be drastically different than it is now, and it will become more difficult to change. Be certain that the courses that you choose are ones that you truly want.
I do not know how many students I have seen over the years say that I don't have to schedule for next year, because I won't be here ... and then they show up at the FHS door for the first day of class because PLANS CHANGE!!!!

Reminder on End-of-Quarter/Semester Work

Students have been getting constant reminders since we have returned to school, but Monday, Jan. 22 is the last day of the quarter.
All late work is to be completed and handed in by Friday, Jan. 19, unless other arrangements have been made (due to excessive illnesses, surgeries, etc.).
* Also, remaining hall passes for extra credit are to be turned in either Friday or Monday.
* Why We Proofread photos would have to be posted to me by Monday to get extra credit for this quarter (though I welcome them for third and fourth quarters!)

Why We Proofread ... (A Continuing Series)

Dillard's may get a few more customers from this special appearance ... but perhaps not the type of customers they are looking for (and I doubt that they would be kids)! At least "Satan" might have the red suit ready to go.
What do you think? Does the Dillard's proofreader get to keep his job?

Reminder: Personal Narrative Final Drafts Due Mon., Nov. 20

A quick reminder that the Final Draft of the personal narrative is due at the start of class Monday, Nov. 20, along with all related materials. 
In the following order, students should hand in:
1. The Scoresheet/Rubric
2. The final draft, along with all of the mandatory highlighting and labeling of required items
3. Rough draft #1 and completed peer edit
4. Rough draft #2 and completed peer edit
5. 5Ws and an H Planning Sheet, completed
6. Timeline Organizer, completed
7. Sensory Details/Observation Chart, completed
For those who have misplaced it, I have included a copy of the Scoresheet /Rubric.
REMEMBER: All printing must be done before class. The school library is open 1 hour before school, plus students may print during lunch, study halls, intervention, at home, in the Lane Library, at a neighbor ... or SEND IT TO ME IN AN EMAIL OR BRING IT TO ME IN A FLASH DRIVE BEFORE CLASS and I will print it (but not when the class is scheduled to start).
Be responsible. If you send it to me in an email, get a return email confirmation from me that I have seen your email and can open/print the file

Of Mice and Men books, annotation notes, and assignments

As a notification to parents and a reminder to students:
Students received their copy of Of Mice and Men today, Friday, Nov 17, 2017, along with an annotation guide (posted with this attachment) that they are to staple or tape into their books. 
STUDENTS MUST BRING THEIR BOOKS TO CLASS EVERY DAY. They will receive points for having it and lose points for not having it.
They will receive the Chap. 1 Reading Guide on Monday, and will receive the reading/quiz/test schedule either Monday or Tuesday (it will definitely be posted online, also). 

Why We Proofread ... (A Continuing Series)

I certainly do not wish to be in Iowa on Saturday ... a day where perhaps there is proof that global warming exists!!! 
(Don't see why? Look at the forecast for the Saturday high in last Sunday's Des Moines Register.)

POLICY ENFORCEMENT: Printing BEFORE class begins

Up until today, I have been rather lenient with students not following repeated directions and policy about printing assignments and having them ready at the start of the bell -- ready to work on an activity -- despite warning them constantly to do so.
Today, however, I was swamped with students who did not have them ready, and we wasted a large portion of time with students streaming in and out of the room to go print Rough Draft #2.
Sooooooo ... from this day onward, if students do not have their papers ready and have to go print them after the bell has rung, the work will be treated as late. This is not new; rather, it is a policy enforcement
Student options for printing are many. For example, students can print:
1. In class while working on papers the days before the due date.
2. In the school library for one hour before school
3. In the school library for one hour after school
4. In the school library during lunch (or during a study hall or an intervention bell)
5. In another teacher's room, if they have a printer and give permission
6. At home
7. At Lane Library
8. In an open computer lab, if it is available during the day
9. Plus -- AS ALWAYS -- students may email me the paper before the due time and I will print it (however, get a conformation that I have received an email).
10, Or bring me a flash drive BEFORE the due time and I will print it.
11. Or come to me before school and open your Google Drive and I will print it.
With so many options, there really is no excuse for not getting a paper printed beforehand. 
Thank you for kind participation!!!!