Mark Braam » Posts


Final Draft Due Date, Mon. Nov. 20

The final draft of the Personal Narrative will be due Monday, Nov. 20.

All items must be collected and handed in -- in order -- at that time.
That includes:
* The scoresheet/rubric
* The Final Draft,properly highlighted and labelled
* The 2 rough drafts
* Two peer editing forms, filled out by classmates
* The 5Ws and an H Planning form
* The Timeline Organizer
* The Sensory Details Chart

Rough Draft #2 and

I hope everyone had a good day off and that everyone of legal age went to vote on Tuesday!
Just an update: We are working on the second rough draft Wednesday and Thursday. A printed copy of the draft must be brought to class on Friday, Nov. 10, for a second round of peer editing.
Otherwise, the only other HW for the next few days is to complete and practice exercises and quizzes on that your child may have not completed in class on Monday or a few weeks ago. Most students have finished the online tasks, but a few linger.
One additional review task has been added to NoRedInk on Thursday ..., FANBOYS (Coordinating Conjunctions)

Late Work, Final Notice

As a final reminder (I have been alerting classes for a week), the end of the quarter is coming up on Friday. Therefore, I need to have any and all late work turned in no later than end of day, Wednesday, Nov. 1, to give me time to grade the work. 
As usual, late work -- in general -- receives partial credit, except in extenuating circumstances, such as, for example, extended illnesses.

READ THIS: Things To Bring for PSAT Testing Wed.

On Wednesday, Oct. 11, all sophomores and juniors will be taking the PSAT. It will last most of the morning.
Students are required to bring:
* A photo ID (school ID, driver's license, etc.)
* #2 pencil, not mechanical. (At least one, but you would be better off to have two or more)
* A calculator
In addition, you may bring a book to read if you finish early and have to wait for the testing period to end. NOTE: You are NOT allowed to work on HW during the test.
Remember to report to your first bell for attendance, and then you will be sent to your testing site.
Good luck!

Why We Proofread ... (A Continuing Series)

Sometimes a greasy cheeseburger slider from White Castle hits the spot, so much so that you crave more.
But then again, does anyone crave a "Ten Chessy Pack"? 
The folks who post ... and then don't proofread their own signs ... at the Mt. Healthy location, must think so.
Kudos to my student who turned in the first local sign typo of the school year!!!

Two Secretarial Jobs Open in Fairfield

Do you know someone who would be a great fit for one of the two secretarial positions open in the FCSD? Visit our website for details: The descriptions are on the home page. Please share!
SOME DETAILS (Rest of details are Online) :
* Secretary II ($16.34/hour) and Secretary III ($15.02/hour).
* Deadlines for application, Oct. 16, 2017. 
* A written and skill competitive exam for the position of Secretary II will be conducted on Tuesday, Oct. 24 at 6 pm at the Crossroads Middle School located at 255 Donald Drive, Fairfield, Ohio 45014.

Locks on Lockers NOW!!!

I have been warning students for about a week that any day now that the school would start putting locks on any locker that did not already have a lock on it.
That day has come!!!
If students do NOT have a lock on their locker, one will be placed on it, and students will have to pay for it out of their school fees and not be able to get in their locker until after going to the office to get the combination.

PSAT Test Date Oct. 11

Parents: Be aware that all sophomores and juniors will be taking the PSAT test in school on Oct. 11. There will be a major schedule change for that day only.
In addition, seniors are NOT required to attend that day; however, they are required to choose an alternative assignment. Some information for SENIORS ONLY about the alternative assignment should have already come home this week.

Progress Reports/Conferences

The first round of Progress Reports for the 2017-18 school year will be posted in the next day or so, and the students will be bringing it home next week after a homeroom.
Be looking for it. I will be requesting Oct. 12 conferences with some parents via the Progress Reports

Wednesday, Sept. 27, 2017

In class today we finished the Parts of Speech presentation/notes, and wrote a few sample sentences. We then began Independent and Dependent Clauses, which will continue on Thursday.
I will post the presentation for the Clauses on Thursday.
No Homework for Tonight!

Free After-School Dinner at Salvation Army

Parents: I know many of my students' families struggle with money and putting food on the table.
The Salvation Army is offering a free meal, 3:30-4:30, Monday-Thursday after school. 
Call 513-863-1445 for more information, or pass it along to someone you know who could use this service.

Why We Proofread ... (A Continuing Series)

Whoever comes up with a "Spellcheck For Buses" app is going to make a lot of money. Check the website spelling toward the bottom ...

Braam Class Website, How To Subscribe Instructions 17-18


Attached are instructions for how to subscribe to the Braam class website, located on the Fairfield district servers. Students subscribed to two pages in class on Tuesday, Sept. 12, 2017 -- my Homepage and the Homework Page.
If they knew parent email addresses, they also subscribed at least one parent. If they did NOT know the emails, they were to being home a copy of these instructions to give to parents.
Please register ... having notifications of Homework and assignments/tests, plus a ton of other pertinent information, will be a benefit to both you and your child.

Why We Proofread ... (A Continuing Series)

Are we threatening North Korea with a kitten?
THIS is why we proofread!!!

See you back in school soon.