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Special Services Home


Welcome to the FCSD Special Services Department



513-829-7196 (FAX)


The Special Services Department collaborates with parents, teachers, related service providers, outside agencies, and administrators to ensure each student with a disability or a 504 plan receives an exceptional experience while attending Fairfield City School District. The areas this department covers are the following:


                *Evaluation Team Reports (ETRs)

                *Individualized Education Programs (IEPs)

                *504 eligibility and developing the plan, if applicable

                *Preschool Services for general education students and students with a disability

                *Home Instruction



Jennifer Skirvin, Director. Jennifer serves preschool through graduation.


Samantha Mundey, Supervisor. Samantha Mundey serves school-age students at South Elementary, West Elementary, North Elementary, Creekside Middle School, Academy, and Senior High School.


Teresa Sunderman, Supervisor. Teresa Sunderman serves school-age students at East Elementary, Central Elementary, Compass Elementary, Crossroads Middle School, Academy, Freshman School, and Senior High School.


Jennie Thompson, Preschool Supervisor. Jennie Thompson serves the preschool population.


Jada Lytle, Secretary & Preschool Information


Nancy Lothes, Secretary


Rose Lamb, Clerk



Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) and the Use of Restraint and Seclusion Available for Your Review
August 16, 2022
Dear Parents/Guardians,
On June 24, 2021, Ohio Administrative Code (OAC) 3301-35-15, regarding positive behavioral interventions and supports (PBIS) and the use of restraint and seclusion, were revised.  In response, the Fairfield City School District’s Board of Education revised our Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (Restraint and Seclusion) Policy (JP).  You can read this updated policy and local complaint procedures by downloading the files below.