Academy » Academy Home

Academy Home

Graphic of an image with the words #FairfieldPride in red type with a faded version of the district seal in the background. At the bottom is wording: Excellence. Preparation for Life. Opportunities for All.
211 Donald Drive
Fairfield, Ohio 45014
Phone: (513) 858-7600
Chrissy Zboril, Academy Director
Director: Chrissy Zboril
Jenni Thompson, Bullying/Harassment Specialist/Title IX Coordinator
Jennie Thompson
Bullying and Harassment Specialist / Title IX Coordinator
Fairfield City School District
4641 Bach Lane
Fairfield, Ohio 45014
(513) 829-6300 
Academy Staff
Chrissy Zboril - Director
Marie Morris - Secretary
Emily Mallaley - School-Based Support Worker (through Catalyst Counseling)
Morgan Luckhaupt - Community School Liaison (through BCESC)
Devon Koons - HS Social Studies
Eric Richmond - HS English 
Jessi Grimes - HS Math
Joel Hippert - HS Science
Tiffany Lefton - HS Intervention Specialist
Donna Martin - MS English/Social Studies
Mike Wright - MS Math/Science
Missy Madden - MS Intervention Specialist
Robyn Anderson - Student Support 
FinalForms Information (REQUIRED):
Academy Phone: (513) 858-7600
Attendance Email: [email protected]
Session Times 
Morning Session - 8:00 a.m. – 10:55 a.m.
Afternoon Session - 11:30 a.m. – 2:25 p.m. 
Sessions are assigned based on credit needs


Other Important Information


All students will be provided with a personalized binder. The only supplies necessary for students are pencil/pen and paper.  We encourage you to leave book bags at home, but if necessary, book bags must be kept on the hooks in the main hallway with coats/jackets.