Todd Adamson SRO - Crossroads Middle, Academy & Central Elementary
Tom Aller CBIP Coordinator/Rise Up - Senior High School/Butler Tech
Drew Anderson Educational Assistant (Cross Categorical) - Crossroads Middle
Samantha Basil 4th Grade Math/Scial Studies/Science - East Elementary
Jeana Baucant-Koon Intervention Specialist - Senior High School
Karen Baumann Educational Assistant (Special Education) - Senior High School
Brittany Benzing Latchkey Team Leader - Compass/Central Elementary
Casey Blanton Intervention Specialist MD/SC Unit - South Elementary
Kelly Bowen Educational Assistant (Cross Categorical) - West Elementary
Georgine Bowman Coordinator of Elementary Curriculum & Instruction
Mary Breedlove 4th Grade Science/Social Studies/Writing - North Elementary
Stephanie Brooks 2nd Grade Math/Science/Social Studies - South Elementary
Barbara Broxterman Food Service Assistant - Senior High School
Allison Bruns Family and Consumer Sciences (Butler Tech) - Senior High School
Shannon Chandler (Jarvis) Educational Assistant - Crossroads Middle
Margaret Colley Educational Assistant/Cafeteria - Creekside Middle
Mike Davis Business/Medical Office Specialist Instructor/Butler Tech- Senior High School
Shannon Dearinger Preschool Educational Assistant - West Elementary
Katie Driscol Preschool Intervention Specialist - East Elementary
Patty Faraci Library/Media Educational Assistant - Creekside Middle
Debbie Fehrenbach Resource K-5 Educational Assistant - Compass Elementary
Denise Fisher Family & Consumer Sciences (Butler Tech) - Senior High School
Danielle Flaig EMIS Assistant/Attendance Officer - Student Registration Center
Janette Flick - Director of Transportation Director of Transportation
Theresa Fritz Educational Assistant (Social Comm) - South Elementary
Mark Fuller Educational Assistant (Cross Categorical) - Freshman School
Trisha Funk 4th Grade Math/Science/Social Studies - Compass Elementary
Erik Geiser Credit Recovery Online Instructor - Senior High School
Gina Gentry-Fletcher Director of School & Community Relations
Lisa Grosser-Schiering Intervention Specialist - Senior High School
Renee Hamilton 6th Grade Intervention Specialist - Creekside Middle
Jessica Hansbauer Preschool Educational Assistant - East Elementary
Jovanta Harrison Educational Assistant (Cross Categorical) - Crossroads Middle
Caroline Harty Preschool Speech & Language Pathologist - West Elementary
Brad Hasselbeck Coordinator of Buildings & Grounds - Senior High School
Samantha Hatcher Educational Support Assistant & Educational Assistant - Compass Elementary
Ericka Hatfield Preschool Educational Assistant - East Elementary
Casey Haubner Family & Consumer Sciences/Butler Tech - Senior High School
Caroline Haynes School Counselor (J,K,N,O & Se-So) - Senior High School
Hallie Heideman Academic Support Tutor, Math - Crossroads Middle
Josie Hennegan Educational Assistant (Cross-Categorical) - North Elementary
Kristopher Hensley Social Studies - Freshman School/ Assistant Athletic Director - Creekside Middle
Ray Heyob PLTW Information Technology Instructor - Crossroads Middle
Karlin Hoffart Family & Consumer Sciences: Hospitality Fundamentals (Butler Tech) - Crossroads Middle
Rebecca Holroyd Preschool School Psychologist - West & East Elementary
Michelle Hoskinson 5th Grade ELA/Social Studies - East Elementary
Rikki Hubbuch Resource K-5 Educational Assistant - Compass Elementary
Shana Hudson Intervention Specialist - Behavior Modifications (LINC) - Crossroads Middle
Suzy Hutcheson Preschool Intervention Specialist (Social Communications Unit) - East Elementary
Jada James Educational Assistant (Cross Categorical) - East Elementary
Kristine Jenkins Preschool Intervention Specialist - West Elementary
Melissa Jones Preschool School Psychologist - East & West Elementaries (Office at North Elementary)
Denese Keener Intervention Educational Assistant (Title) - Compass Elementary
Jessie Giah Chen Khoo Educational Support Assistant - East Elementary
Angie Kimble - Safety Coordinator of Transportation Safety Coordinator of Transportation
Karla Kingsley Weaver - Assistant Director of Transportation Assistant Director - Transportation Department
Kristen Koopman MD/SC Intervention Specialist - Central Elementary
Jason Krause Dean of Students & Head Football Coach - Senior High School
Chris Kurzhals Information Technology Instructor (Butler Tech) - Senior High School
Jason Laflin Butler Tech Satellite Teacher - Innovators & Makers/MIT App Inventors/Info Tech - Creekside Middle
Karly Landis Speech & Language Pathologist - Creekside Middle & Freshman School
Meashja Langley Educational Assistant (Cross Categorical) - Creekside Middle
Tracy Lattarulo 5th Grade ELA/Social Studies - Compass Elementary
Kurt Lemke Financial Literacy - Freshman School & Senior High School
Rebecca Lewandowski 4th Grade Math/Science/Social Studies - Compass Elementary
Haley Lewis 6th-8th Grade ELA/Math (Compass Program) - Creekside Middle
Andrea Lingler Food Service Assistant - Food & Nutrition Services
Morgan Luckhaupt Community School Liaison, Butler County ESC Success Program - Academy & Senior High School
Mahogany Maffett Educational Assistant (Work Study) - Senior High School
Marlene Mang Community School Liaison - North & East Elementaries and Crossroads Middle
Claire McCurley Preschool Intervention Specialist - East Elementary
Joy McWhorter Special Education Educational Assistant - North Elementary
Abigail Metzler 3rd Grade Science/Social Studies/Writing - North Elementary
Angela Miller 3rd Grade Math /Science/Social Studies - South Elementary
Mindy Moon Family & Consumer Science/Butler Tech - Senior High School
Christina Morgan Food and Nutrition Field Specialist - Food Service/Student Services
Julie Muething Language Arts for English Learners - Senior High School
Cynthia Murray Educational Assistant - Library/Media - Freshman School
Jennifer Myers Educational Assistant (Cross Categorical) - Crossroads Middle
Elizabeth Nash-Pittman Educational Assistant - North Elementary
Megan Neuhaus Intervention Specialist MD/SC Unit - Compass Elementary
Kristine Partlow Educational Support Assistant - Compass Elementary
Kristen Pasquel 3rd Grade Science/Social Studies/Writing - Central Elementary
Lisa Perry Cross Categorical Educational Assistant - Crossroads Middle
Lance Perry - Director of Business Operations Director of Business Operations - District
Samantha Pfirrman 6th Grade ELA/Social Studies - Crossroads Middle
Rosina Philpot Butler County Success School-Community Liaison - Central & Compass Elementary
Katie Pospisil Coordinator of Secondary Curriculum & Instruction
Jody Prather Intellectual Disability Intervention Specialist - Crossroads Middle
Debbie Prazynski Educational Support Assistant - West Elementary
Nancy Reyes Galan Speech & Language Pathologist - South Elementary
Abigail Roberts Intervention Specialist ED Unit - South Elementary
Kayla Rodgers School Counselor - G-I & Butler Tech - Senior High School
Beth Rose Secretary - Assistant Superintendent/Human Resources - Professional Staff
Elaine Rose 5th Grade English/Language Arts/Social Studies - South Elementary
Lee Rose Family & Consumer Science - Butler Tech - Senior High School
Patty Samples Technology Educational Assistant - Central Elementary
Mindy Sandlin Educational Assistant - Cross Categorical - East Elementary
Tonja Schoelwer 4th Grade Math/Social Studies/Science - East Elementary
Linda Servido Front Office Educational Assistant - Crossroads Middle
Jennifer Sheehy Speech & Language Pathologist - Compass Elementary
Tiffany Shepherd 3rd Grade Math/Social Studies/Science - East Elementary
Bryan Siebenaller 8th Grade Social Studies - Creekside Middle
Sherese Slaughter-Haynes Butler County Success Liaison - West and South Elementaries
Keileigh Slivka (Bennett) Academic Support Tutor - Creekside Middle
Abigail Smith Kindergarten (Long-Term Substitute) - Central Elementary
Brian Smith 8th Grade Language Arts/Social Studies - Crossroads Middle
Cecily Smith Educational Assistant (Cross Categorical) - Central Elementary
Kyle Smith Math - Freshman School and Assistant Athletic Director (Senior High School)
Hannah Stacy Intervention Specialist/Social Communication - Central Elementary
Shawn Starkey 7th Grade Design & Modeling; 8th Grade Robotics - Middle School (Butler Tech)
Lori Statzer Cross Categorical Educational Assistant - Crossroads Middle
Shelby Stearns 6th Grade Science/Language Arts - Gifted - Creekside Middle
M. Jennifer Stenger Speech and Language Pathologist - Central Elementary
Jacob Stewart Custodian - Administration Building/Academy/Transportation
Christina Stover Percussion Specialist - Creekside & Crossroads Middle; Freshman & Senior High School
Markie Sunderhaus American Sign Language - Freshman School & Senior High School
Theresa (Terri) Sunderman 3rd Grade Math/Social Studies/Science - South Elementary
Jennifer Swigonski 2nd Grade Math/Social Studies/Science - South Elementary
Laura Taylor Family & Consumer Sciences/Butler Tech - Senior High School
Holly Templeton 2nd Grade Reading & Social Studies - Compass Elementary
Kimberly Thomas Speech and Language Pathologist - Crossroads Middle
Jennifer Thompson Preschool Supervisor and Bullying and Harassment Specialist/Title IX Coordinator
Tyaijah Thompson Preschool Educational Assistant - West Elementary
Hannah Tipton 4th Grade Social Studies/Science - Compass Elementary
Steve Tumbleson 6th-8th Grade Concert Bands, Select Band & 7/8 Jazz Ensembles - Crossroads Middle
Danielle Turner Preschool Intervention Specialist - West Elementary
Ericka Turner 3rd Grade Math/Social Studies/Science - North Elementary
Melissa Turner 7th Grade Intervention Specialist - Crossroads Middle
Barbara Vaughn Cafe/Recess Educational Assistant - Crossroads Middle
Crystal VonBargen 4th Grade Math/Science/Social Studies - Compass Elementary
Shaleen Weisenborn 6th Grade Social Studies - Crossroads Middle
Patti Wells Preschool Speech & Language Pathologist - East Elementary
Jennifer Wendth Preschool Intervention Specialist - East Elementary
Jeremy West Family & Consumer Sciences/Butler Tech - Senior High School
Beth Westerbeck Data Entry/Registrar/Attendance - Senior High School
Lydia Wheatley Preschool Speech and Language Pathologist - West Elementary
Jane Wiehe Intervention Educational Assistant (Title) - Compass Elementary School
Lisa Williams Cross Categorical Educational Assistant - Crossroads Middle
Tina Williams Intellectual Disability Intervention Specialist - Crossroads Middle
Valerie Williams Preschool Speech-Language Pathologist - East Elementary
Alexis Wissel Intervention Specialist (MD/SC Unit) - Central Elementary
Sydney Withrow Preschool Intervention Specialist - West Elementary
Jessica Woody Butler County ESC Success Liaison - Creekside Middle & Freshman School
Heather Wright 5th Grade Science/Social Studies - Compass Elementary
Joe Wulker 4th Grade English/Language Arts & Social Studies - South Elementary
Tabitha Wurzelbacher EMIS Assistant/Attendance Officer - Registration Office
DJ Wyrick Coordinator of Online Instruction & Varsity Boys Basketball Coach - Senior High School
Zachary Yates School Counselor (A-B & Academy) - Senior High School
Megan Ziegenhardt 8th Grade Math & Science - Crossroads Middle